
2024年08月12日 爱游戏




  四川旅游学教授,西南交通大学管理学博士,成都市政府目标绩效考评创新项目评估专家,入选首批全万名优秀创新创业导师人才库,成都绿色低碳发展研究基地负责人,际工程咨询协会四川心主任,四川省装备行业协会科学劳动实践教育专业委员会主任委员。长期从事风险预测与管控企业财公司治理企业管理与营销等方面研究工作,主持主研家级省部级地厅级课题10余项。截至2023年3月发表SCISSCI学术论文20余篇,其内外期刊包括Renewable EnergyResources PolicyGondwana ResearchInternational Journal of Finance EconomicsFinance Research LettersEconomic Analysis and PolicyInternational Review of Financial AnalysisInternational Review of Economics Finance和预测等。并担任Quantitative FinanceEnergy EconomicsJournal of ForecastingInternational Review of Financial AnalysisFinance Research Letters等SSCI期刊匿名审稿人。


  1Chen, Z. Umar, M. Su, C.W. Mirza, N. 2023. Renewable energy, credit portfolios and intermediation spread Evidence from the banking sector in BRICS. Renewable Energy 208, 561566 JCR, Q1

  2Chen Z, Liang C, Umar M. Is investor sentiment stronger than VIX and uncertainty indices in predicting energy volatility?J. Resources Policy, 2021, 74 1. JCR, Q1

  3Chen Z, Zhang L, Weng C. Does climate policy uncertainty affect Chinese stock market volatility?J. International Review of Economics Finance, 2023, 84 369381. JCR, Q2

  4Chen Z, Ye Y, Li X. Forecasting Chinas crude oil futures volatility New evidence from the MIDASRV model and COVID19 pandemicJ. Resources Policy, 2022, 75 3. JCR, Q1

  5Chen Z, Mirza N, Huang L, Umar M. Green BankingCan Financial Institutions support green recovery?J. Economic Analysis and Policy, 2022, 75 389395. JCR, Q1

  6 Liu J,Chen Zcorresponding author. How do stock prices respond to the leading economic indicators? Analysis of large and small shocksJ. Finance Research Letters, 2023, 51 0. JCR, Q1

  7Liu, M.Chen, Z. corresponding author, Sowah, J.K. Ahmed, Z. Kirikkaleli, D. 2023. The dynamic impact of energy productivity and economic growth on environmental sustainability in South European countries. Gondwana Research 115, 116127 JCR, Q1

上一篇:【看】庆阳市博物馆关于2024年元旦期间正常免费开放的公告 下一篇:【企业】关于开展小微企业支付手续费降费情况调查的公告